Dr. Alex Petrasincu is Partner and Head of Competition & Litigation at Hausfeld in Germany. He advises on all aspects of European and German competition law with a special focus on antitrust litigation.
Alex is specialized in representing parties in cartel damages actions before the German courts, and has advised on damages actions in various jurisdictions. Alex has represented parties in and advised on actions before numerous German District Courts, Courts of Appeals, the German Constitutional Court, as well as the European Court of Justice. In addition, Alex has particular experience in conducting internal investigations and representing clients in cartel investigations by the European Commission and the German Federal Cartel Office. His activities for companies affected by the truck cartel as well as for trading companies in the proceedings against German banking associations regarding the merchant fees for the electronic cash system have attracted special attention.
The business magazine Wirtschaftswoche and Handelsblatt have named him one of the leading German antitrust lawyers. In 2019 he was also awarded the Client Choice Award in the field of antitrust law in Germany by Lexology. For years, Alex Petrasincu has been listed as one of the leading German antitrust lawyers by the magazines Juve, Legal 500 and Who's Who Legal.
Having studied in Düsseldorf, Paris X-Nanterre, Münster, and at Columbia Law School, Alex holds a Ph.D. and an LL.M. in competition law. He frequently gives lectures and writes articles on German and EU competition law. Alex is admitted to the bars in Germany and New York.
Bar Exam, New York
LL.M., Columbia University (Harlan-Fiske-Stone-Scholar)
Dr. iur., Westfälische Wilhelms University, Munster
Bar Exam / 2. State Exam, North Rhine-Westphalia - Distinction
LL.B. / 1. State Exam, Dusseldorf - Distinction
Attorney, Germany
Attorney-at-law, New York
- Speaker/Panelist, “New law, new lessons: Germany updates for the digital and damages age”, GCR Live, Düsseldorf, Germany, 16 November 2017
- Speaker, “Implementation of the EU Damages Directive into Member State law” – Würzburg University, May 5, 2017
- Speaker, “Offenlegungsregeln nach der 9. GWB-Novelle “ (Disclosure following the 9th Amendment to the German Act against Restraints of Competition), Arbeitstagung der Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht (Working meeting of the German Association for Antitrust Law), Bonn, Germany, December 2016
- Speaker, "Private Antitrust Enforcement in Europe - the Practioner's Perspective“, Düsseldorf Summer School on European Business Law, 5 August 2015
- Speaker, "Verjährung von Kartellschadensersatzansprüchen“, Regionalveranstaltung Rheinland der Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht, (Talk at meeting of the regional group Rheinland of the German Association for Antitrust Law on statute of limitations of cartel damage claims), Bonn, Germany, 11 May 2014
- Speaker, "Follow-on Actions in Europe: The New Directive“, Kroll Ontrack Event, Brussels, Belgium, 25 September 2013
"Zulässigkeit des Sammelklage-Inkassos nach den financialright-Entscheidungen des BGH", Neue Zeitschrift für Kartellrecht (NZKart) 1/2023, pp. 9-15 (Co-Author) (here on Beck-Online)
"Die Entscheidung des LG Stuttgart zum Rundholzkartell – oder von der Axt im Walde", Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb (WuW) 2022, pp. 384-90 (Co-Author) (here on Owlit)
"Aller guten Dinge sind vier: Die Rechtsprechung zum "Tipping-Paragrafen" - Die private Kartellrechtsdurchsetzung auf Digitalmärkten" - (NZKart) 2022, pp. 366 (Co-Author) (here on Beck-Online)
"Die Bedeutung der RDG-Novelle für das abtretungsbasierte Sammelinkasso, RDi 8/2021, pp. 361-370" (Co-Author) (here on Beck-Online)
"Vom Leitbild des Inkassos und dem Zusammenspiel beweglicher Teile - Zur erneuten Abweisung einer gebündelten Klage gegen das Zuckerkartell, NZKart 5/2021, pp. 280-6" (Co-Author) (here on Beck-Online)
"Schienenkartell-Urteil des BGH - keine Kehrtwende im Kartellschadensersatzrecht", BB 2019, p. 399
"Die Entscheidung des BGH in Sachen Grauzementkartell - Klärung wesentlicher Fragen des Kartellschadensersatzrechts", WuW 2018, pp. 374-8 (co-author)
"Erstes Urteil in Sachen LKW-Urteil", WuW 2018, pp. 126-9 (co-author)
"Europarechtliche Aspekte zur Anwendbarkeit der Verjährungshemmung gem. § 33 Abs. 5 GWB a.F. auf Altfälle", WuW 2018, pp. 174-80 (co-author)
"Wie Phoenix aus der Asche - Zeitliche Anwendbarkeit der Offenlegungsregeln des § 33 g GWB im Lichte jüngster Rechtsprechung", NZKart 2018, pp. 286-91 (co-author)
“Private Enforcement: An overview of the leading cases and opinions,” 25 January 2018, e-Competitions Bulletin Private enforcement, Art. N° 85639 (co-author)
“Die Anwendbarkeit und Reichweite von Schiedsvereinbarungen in Kartellschadensersatzprozessen” (Effectiveness and scope of arbitration clauses in antitrust damages claims), Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb 2017, pp. 585-91 (co-author)
“Disclosure of evidence included in the file of a competition authority (Implementation of the EU Damages Directive into Member State law - Würzburg, May 5, 2017), September 2017, Concurrences Review N° 3-2017 (co-author)
“Überblick über die 9. GWB-Novelle“ (Overview regarding 9th Amendment to the German Act against Restraints of Competition), Wettbewerb in Recht und Praxis 2017, p. 921
„Intertemporale Anwendung des Kartelldeliktsrechts nach der 9. GWB-Novelle“ (Temporal application of the provisions on cartel damages claims following the 9th Amendment to the German Act against Restraints of Competition), Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb 2017, p. 306 (co-author)
“Kartellschadensersatz nach dem Referentenentwurf der 9. GWB-Novelle” (Cartel damages claims pursuant to the draft 9th Amendment to the German Act against Restraints of Competition), Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb 2016, p. 330
Chapter on Germany, in: Competition Law in Western Europe and the USA, Kluwer, 2016 (co-author)
Series commenting on the new European Cartel Damages Directive, kartellblog.de
"Verjährung des Gesamtschuldnerregresses wegen Kartellschadensersatzansprüchen“ (Statute of limitations for contribution claims arising out of cartel damage claims), Neue Zeitschrift für Kartellrecht 2014, p. 437
"Access to leniency documents in Germany“, Competition Law Insight August 2014, 14 – nominated for Antitrust Writing Award 2015 (co-author)
"Die Beiziehung von Ermittlungsakten im Kartellzivilprozess“ (accessing a public prosecutor's files in cartel damages proceeding), Neue Zeitschrift für Kartellrecht 2014, p. 304 (co-author)
"Discovery revisited - the impact of the US discovery rules on the European Commission's leniency programme“, European Competition Law Review 2011, p. 356 (co-author)
"Die amerikanischen Horizontal Merger Guidelines“ (US Horizontal Merger Guidelines), Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb 2010, 985
"The treatment of vertical and conglomerate mergers in the European Union“, 40 Georgetown Journal of International Law, p. 669 (2009)
"The European Commission's new guidelines on the assessment of non-horizontal mergers“, European Competition Law Review 2008, p. 221
"Horizontale, vertikale und konglomerate Zusammenschlüsse in der europäischen und amerikanischen Fusionskontrolle“ (Horizontal, vertical and conglomerate mergers in EU and US merger control), 2009
Alex is recognised in Juve, Legal 500 Germany and Who's Who Legal for competition litigation, as well as in other directories, including Best Lawyers Awards (Antitrust / Competition and Litigation). In 2019 he won the The Client Choice Award for Competition & Antitrust.
JUVE has ranked Hausfeld in Germany again for both Competition Law and Dispute Resolution in its prestigious 2023 market analysis. Following nominations in 2017 and 2021, JUVE recognized Hausfeld as "Antitrust Law Law Firm of the Year" in 2022. In 2019, Hausfeld was also named "Dispute Resolution Law Firm of the Year ".
Clients describe Dr. Alex Petrasincu as "experienced, pragmatic, versed in litigation tactics"; "well-connected and informed about significant developments such as personnel changes at courts" (Antitrust, 2022). Competitors describe him as "outstanding and ambitious lawyer" (Antitrust, 2021), "clear and sound, personally pleasant" (Antitrust, 2020) or "smart and pleasant" (Litigation, 2020) and praise his "clear and sound advice" (Antitrust, 2018). He is "efficient, stringent, focused," according to a client (Antitrust, 2019). Competitors note Dr. Alex Petrasincu "combines know-how in antitrust law, litigation and process optimization in mass litigation" (Antitrust, 2023) and stands out again for his “clear and sound advice” (Litigation, 2023).
In the Juve print edition 03/2024, Dr. Alex Petrasincu is named as one of the "20 leading minds in antitrust damages" and is valued by clients as "pragmatic with a lot of experience in litigation".
Legal 500 Germany
Partners Dr. Alex Petrasincu, Dr. Ann-Christin Richter, and Prof. Dr. Thomas Höppner are listed as recommended lawyers. In addition, Alex Petrasincu is listed as a Next Generation Lawyer.
"Very responsive, entrepreneurial and legally innovative thinking, great expertise in antitrust damages law"; "Concise and understandable communication style. Focus on finding solutions quickly with right priorities", 2022
"Excellent and innovative antitrust lawyer" - Competition Law, 2022
"Alex Petrasincu is particularly noteworthy for his expertise in this area" - Competition Law, 2020
Who's Who Legal / Lexology Index
Competition Plaintiffs Lawyer of the Year: Alex Petrasincu wins the plaintiff award for the first time, thanks to his deep knowledge and experience in antitrust litigation and damages actions in various jurisdictions. Sources comment that he is an “outstanding figure” with “in-depth knowledge” who “always thinks two steps ahead”.
Global Leader in Competition Plaintiff and National Leader for Competition Germany 2023: "Alex Petrasincu garners praise from market commentators for his pragmatic approach to complex cases and impeccable knowledge of German and European competition law.”
"Alex Petrasincu is very active and visible in the market" - Competition, 2022
"He is a superb litigation lawyer" - Competition, 2022
"Alex is excellent to work with and is always one step ahead" - Competition, 2022
"He is excellent for private enforcement matters", "Alex is one of the best claims litigators in Germany", "He is a simply fantastic lawyer", "Alex is clearly one of the leading practitioners at the German competition plaintiffs bar" - Future Leader for Competition, 2021
“Intellectually sharp, very experienced and a rising star of the German profession”, “Strong pedigree of impressive cases; personal experience of extraordinary devotion to client” - Future Leader for Competition, 2020
Dr. Alex Petrasincu is "one of the leading experts in private damage claims" and is considered a "very thorough, highly perceptive and service-minded" lawyer. - Competition, 2019
Client Choice
“Alex Petrasincu is a very experienced lawyer; he gives realistic advice and his quality of work is outstanding.” He "is a strategic thinker; he gives clear legal advice and is very diligent.” “He is always striving to find creative solutions for complex problems.” - Competition, 2019
Spotlight : Competition/European Law: Litigation - Chambers Global 2024
Legal500 Germany, 2022'Excellent and innovative antitrust lawyer'
JUVE, 2023"Combines know-how in antitrust law, litigation and process optimization in mass litigation" (Antitrust) and “Clear and sound advice” (Litigation),
Who is Who Legal, 2022'Alex is excellent to work with and is always one step ahead'
Who is Who Legal, 2022'Alex Petrasincu is very active and visible in the market'
Who is Who Legal, 2022'He is a superb litigation lawyer'
Who's Who Legal, 2021'He is excellent for private enforcement matters', 'Alex is one of the best claims litigators in Germany', 'He is a simply fantastic lawyer', 'Alex is clearly one of the leading practitioners at the German competition plaintiffs bar'.
Juve, 2020'clear and well-founded, personally pleasant' (antitrust) - 'smart and pleasant' (litigation).
Who's Who Legal, 2020'Intellectually sharp, very experienced and a rising star of the German profession', 'Strong pedigree of impressive cases; personal experience of extraordinary devotion to client'
Who's Who Legal, 2019'one of the leading experts in private damage claims' and a 'very thorough, highly perceptive and service-minded' lawyer.
Client Choice, 2019Alex Petrasincu is a very experienced lawyer; he gives realistic advice and his quality of work is outstanding.
Juve, 2019Efficient, stringent, focused (client) - tactically smart.
Juve, 2018Clear and sound advice' (Antitrust).