Claimant group brings legal claim against AstraZeneca under Consumer Protection Act 1987

Hausfeld have been approached by almost 60 individuals and families who allege that they have suffered devastating injuries or bereavement as a result of a rare complication of the AstraZeneca vaccine.

The Hausfeld group includes 20 bereaved families and over 30 survivors whom suffered serious injuries caused by a confirmed diagnosis of “Vaccine Induced Thrombocytic Thrombocytopenia” or VITT.

A Letter of Claim was sent to AstraZeneca on 30 November 2022 and a formal Letter of Response is expected shortly. The claim is brought on the basis of the Consumer Protection Act 1987 and argues that the AstraZeneca vaccine was “defective” in that it was not as safe as individuals were entitled to expect. VITT is now established as causatively linked with the AstraZeneca vaccine. Many of the Claimants have made applications to the Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme (VDPS) which is intended to make ex gratia one off payments to individuals who suffer serious injury or bereavement as a result of vaccination. Those whose claims are accepted under the VDPS, under the current statute, can expect to receive a single of £120,000.

Sarah Moore, leading the litigation, explained:

“None of the families with whom we are working want to bring a legal claim against AstraZeneca. They would prefer to have their injuries and losses acknowledged by AstraZeneca with appropriate compensation to be paid. Those with whom we are working have been forced to begin legal action because the Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme offers inadequate funds to families devastated not only by the emotional impact of injury and loss – but also by the financial consequences. No amount of compensation will bring back loved ones, or restore those injured to health – but it can make life a little bit easier for the mothers, fathers, children, parents and partners who are now reshaping their lives”.  


British Medical Journal
BBC - The story of Dr Stephen Wright
iNews (upon registration)
Mail Online
Mail Online - The story of Lisa Shaw
Mail Online - How several victims have been affected
The Telegraph (March 2023, subscription)
The Telegraph (April 2023, subscription)