James J. Pizzirusso
As a co-founder of the firm, James has led Hausfeld's Data Breach/Privacy and Consumer Protection practice groups since the firm's inception and courts have personally appointed him to leadership positions in dozens of successful class actions. He has diverse practice centering on cybersecurity and privacy law, but also handles cases involving consumer protection, antitrust law (with an emphasis in agriculture), and sports and entertainment law. James' practice also includes domestic and international environmental and public health litigation.
James has pursued justice on behalf of his clients, both domestically and abroad, in a wide variety of practice areas and on behalf of notable clients. Aside from representing consumers suffering from privacy violations and consumer fraud, his clients have included musicians (e.g., Chuck D. of Public Enemy) and professional athletes (e.g., Jim Brown). He has successfully resolved the claims of numerous farmers and landowners in Barbados who suffered reduced crop yields and property damages as a result of a massive jet fuel spill. James has also represented farmers and other entities seeking damages related to unauthorized releases of genetically modified crops. Domestically, he has represented municipalities and individuals suffering harm related to lead paint and other toxic products.
James’ distinctive approach to litigation has resulted in recoveries of billions of dollars for his clients and class members.
George Washington University Law School, J.D., with honors, 2001
University of Tennessee-Knoxville, B.A., summa cum laude, 1998
District of Columbia
The Supreme Court of the United States
United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit
United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Court
United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Court
Several Federal District Courts
ABA Antitrust Law Section's Consumer Protection Committee, Vice Chair (2022-present)
ABA Antitrust Law Section's Competition Torts Committee, Vice Chair (2020-2022)
ABA Antitrust Section’s Food & Agriculture Committee, Co-Chair (2017)
ABA Antitrust Section’s Food & Agriculture Committee, Vice Chair (2014-2016)
ABA Antitrust Section’s Trade, Sports, Professional Associations Committee, Vice Chair (2012- 2013)
George Washington University Law School, Adjunct Professor, Environmental and Toxic Torts (2009)
George Washington University Law School, Visiting Associate Professor of Clinical Law, Vaccine Injury Clinic (2007)
Sedona Conference Data Security and Privacy Liability (Working Group 11) Steering Committee, Appointed Member (2020-2023)
Chambers and Partners
- Band 2, Privacy and Data Security: Litigation, 2024
- Band 3, Privacy and Data Security: Litigation since 2021
- Global Guide: Privacy & Data Security: Litigation - USA in 2023 and 2024
- Hausfeld ranked as band 1 in Privacy and Data Security Litigation (nationwide) (the only Plaintiffs' firm in the country to receive a Band 1 ranking)
Financial Times
- Shortlisted Hausfeld for the "Innovative Lawyers in Cyber Security and Data Protection" Award
- Hausfeld recognized as "2021 Practice Group of the Year" in Cybersecurity & Privacy
- Cybersecurity & Privacy MVP in 2021 (the only plaintiffs' attorney to receive that distinction)
- Runner up Litigator of the Week in December 2023
- 500 Leading Environmental & Energy Lawyer in 2021
- The Green 500: Leaders in Environmental Law in 2021
- 500 Leading Plaintiff Consumer Lawyers since 2019
- 500 Leading Litigators in America in 2022
National Law Journal
- Elite Trial Lawyers, Hausfeld wins Privacy/Data Breach category in 2024
- Class Action/Mass Tort Trailblazer in 2023
- Washington, D.C. Trailblazer in 2020
- Cybersecurity Trailblazer in 2017
Super Lawyers
- Super Lawyer, Consumer Law in Washington, DC since 2016
Who's Who Legal
- Global Leader, Competition: Plaintiff in 2020 & 2023
- International Who's Who of Competition Lawyers & Economists by the Global Competition Review and Who's Who Legal in 2014.
- DC Local Litigation Star from 2013-2015 and Antitrust Litigation Star in 2012 by Benchmark Litigation.
- One of just four Rising Stars under 40, Consumer Protection and Privacy Law in 2012 by Law360.
- James is regularly asked to appear as a speaker at conferences around the country and has presented on topics including antitrust, consumer protection, toxic torts, and public interest litigation.
- Legal 500 - Firms To Watch: Cyber law (including data privacy and data protection)
- "Ninth Circuit Finds Standing for Consumer Plaintiffs with Small Injuries," Consumer Protection Committee of the ABA Antitrust Law Section (Marh 22, 2023), Author
- "Proving Damages in Consumer Class Actions,” Newsletter of the ABA Section of Antitrust Law's Consumer Protection Committee (Vol. 22, No. 1, March 2016), Author
- "Contaminated Crops," American Association for Justice (AAJ) Trial Magazine (Vol. 52, No. 8, Aug. 2016), Co-Author
- "From the gold mine to the courtroom — Toxic tort, silicosis and the largest class-action lawsuit in South African history," Westlaw Journal, Toxic Torts (Vol. 30, Issue 8, May 30, 2012), Co-Author
- "Liberalizing Rule 27 in the Twombly/Iqbal Era," Law 360 (Nov. 11, 2009), Author
- "Utilizing Novel Technologies to Sustain Trespass and Battery as Toxic Torts," The Environmental Litigator (Spring 2008), Author
- "Agency Rule-Making Power and the Clean Air Act: Putting the Brakes on American Trucking," Spring 2001 Term: Whitman v. American Trucking Associations, Inc., 7 Environmental Law 729 (June 2001), Author
- "Increased Risk, Fear of Disease and Medical Monitoring – Are Novel Damage Claims Enough to Overcome Causation Difficulties in Toxic Torts?" 7 Environmental Law 183 (Sept. 2000), Author
- "'Reverse Robin Hood': Capital One Swarmed With Class Action Alleging Theft of Influencer Commissions in January," ALM (January 29, 2025)
- "The Marriott lawsuit explores the conundrum of how to value stolen data," The Washington Post (May 27, 2022)
- "Lawyer Limelight," Lawdragon (Jan. 2012)
- "Current Issues in Data Breach Class Actions," Mass Torts Made Perfect Seminar (Oct. 2020), Panelist
- "Why Consumer Protection," ABA Antitrust Law Section (July 2020), Panelist
- "Class Actions - Data Breach," Mass Torts Made Perfect (June 2020), Panelist
- "Quantifying Violations Under US Privacy Laws," Sedona Conference Working Group 11 (June 2020), Panelist
- "Law and Order In the Court," American Agricultural Law Association Education Symposium: Agricultural Antitrust Developments (March 2020), Panelist
- "International Class Actions," Mass Torts Made Perfect Seminar (Oct. 2019), Panelist
- "Hot Issues in Class Actions: Attorney-Client Privilege and More," NETDILIGENCE® Cyber Risk Summit (Oct. 2019)
- "Law and Order: How to Minimize Legal Risk and Litigate," Reducetarian Summit (Sept. 2019)
- "The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA): Defining and measuring statutory damages under U.S. privacy laws," Sedona Working Group 11 Midyear Meeting (Sept. 2019)
- "Why Consumer Protection? A Panel on Careers in Consumer Protection," ABA Sal Consumer Protection Committee Telephonic Program (June 2019)
- "Class Action Certifications," NETDILIGENCE® Cyber Risk Summit (June 2019)
- "Know Your Legal Rights and Responsibilities," Plant Based World Expo (June 2019)
- "Settlement Considerations Involving Recent Changes to Rules 23 and Local Rules Management of the Claims Administration Process," Class Action Roundtable (April 2019)
- "Drafting a Reasonable Security Test," Sedona Working Group 11 Midyear Meeting (Sept. 2018)
- "An Ethical Journey Through E-Discovery," American Bar Association Antitrust Law 2018 Spring Meeting (April 2018)
- "Ethics and Pitfalls to Avoid in Class Action Litigation," Class Action Roundtable (April 2018)
- "Litigating Multistate Class Actions," Cambridge - Plaintiffs' Class Action Forum (May 2017)
- "Managing Class Action Cases," Cambridge - Plaintiffs' Class Action Forum (April 2016)
- "Agricultural Antitrust: Cases and Issues," American Agricultural Law Association (AALA) Annual Symposium (Oct. 2016)
- "The Capper Volstead Act - Recent Lessons from the Trenches," American Bar Association Antitrust Section's Agriculture and Food Committee (Dec. 2016)
- "Transshipping and Neonics - Prospects for Litigation on Behalf of Honey Producers," North American Beekeeping Conference (Jan. 2014)
- "Non-Traditional Approaches to Class Certification," Cambridge - Plaintiffs' Class Action Forum (April 2014)
- "Class Action Settlements," Cambridge - Plaintiffs' Class Action Forum (April 2013)
- "A Bumper Crop of Attacks on Capper Volstead," American Bar Association Antitrust Law 2013 Spring Meeting (April 2013)
- "Ascertainability in Class Actions," Investor Educational Foundation Consumer Class Action Roundtable (Nov. 2013)
- "Nationwide Certification of Class Actions; Managing Class Actions," Cambridge - Plaintiffs' Class Action Forum (April 2012)
- "Ongoing Football Litigation," Independent Retired Football Players Summit & Conference (May 2012)
- "Toxic Trespass and Other New and Emerging Toxic Torts," American Bar Association Committee Joint CLE Seminar (Jan. 2008)
- "Outlook for Litigation," North Central Regional Conference on Eliminating Childhood Lead Poising (Sept. 2006)
- "Developing Novel Theories of Recovery in Toxic Tort Litigation, Contamination Examination: A Workshop on the Changing Face of Chemical Contamination Litigation," American Bar Association CLE Program (Sept. 2006)
- "Strategies for Pursuing Litigation Remedies," Northeast Regional Conference on Eliminating Childhood Lead Poisoning (Nov. 2006)
- "Consumer Protection Law," D.C. BAR Animal Law Conference (April 2004)
- "Public Interest Tort Litigation: Using Private Tort Actions to Further Environmental Justice & Public Ends," The Public Interest Enviornmental Law Conference (March 2003)
Chambers US, 2024James is extremely knowledgeable and a pleasure to work with.
Chambers US, 2024He's pragmatic and incredibly hard-working.
Chambers US, 2023James is very talented with a great deal of business savvy. He has very good command of the technical issues always faced in litigation.
Chambers US, 2023James is a talented and zealous advocate for clients.
Chambers US, 2022James Pizzirusso is a highly experienced litigator, noted for his successful track record acting for plaintiffs in high-stakes cybersecurity and privacy law class actions. A source reported that 'he is a thoughtful and strategic advocate who generates exceptional work product and results.'
Chambers US, 2022James is one of the leading plaintiffs' side class action litigations in the USA.
Chambers US, 2021He is a great lawyer and a big-picture thinker. He litigates a case from all perspectives. He is incredibly experienced, great to work with and a good professional.
Chambers US, 2021He is unquestionably one of the leading plaintiff lawyers in the field. I found him to be a very smart lawyer, but also someone who is reasonable to work with and professional.