University of Warwick: Disruption, Decarbonisation, Reparation

This two-day webinar, hosted by University of Warwick, brought together interdisciplinary researchers, advocates, artists, activists and organisers to discuss and promote the ever-growing topic of climate justice, incorporating angles of COVID-19 and persistent intersecting marginalisation.

Leading panellists showcased their knowledge on climate change, including head of human rights and environmental disputes, Ingrid Gubbay of Hausfeld London, who joinrf the ‘Litigating Climate Justice’ panel chaired by Kim Bouwer of Exeter University, alongside experts Ilina Cenevska (Cyril and Methodius University), Sam Varvastian (Cardiff University), Noah Walker-Crawford (University of Manchester) and Tessa Khan (Climate Litigation Network).

Having spearheaded the recent ground-breaking climate change litigation in relation to the legal complaint filed on behalf of 16 youth petitioners to the UNCRC, Ingrid was well placed to contribute to this discussion.

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