AIJA & Annual Litigation Conference

The AIAJ’s Annual Litigation conference will examine the distinct rise in group and class action litigation focusing on market trends, funding, and challenges. This is an area that displays no indications of declining anytime soon and claims are set to continue to grow and become more complex.

Duran Ross joins a panel of international litigators at 10.00 am on 15 October, on ‘Management and practicalities of litigating in multiple jurisdictions in multi-party or class action proceedings’.

At the same time, the International Association of Young Lawyers’ Annual Labour Law Conference as well as a Joint Session on neuroscience with the SCILL Commission will take place.

Practical arrangements

AIJA organises this in-person conference on 13-15 October at the Hyatt Regency, Sarphatistraat 104, 1018 GV Amsterdam, Netherlands.