Jakob Paul Voges
Paul Voges is Associate at Hausfeld in Hamburg. He advises clients on competition litigation and antitrust damages.
Before joining Hausfeld, Paul studied law at the Bucerius Law School in Hamburg and Fordham Law School in New York. He worked for leading law firms in Berlin and Hamburg and completed states of his legal clerkship at the Bundeskanzleramt (Office of the Federal Chancellor), the DG Comp (European Commission) in Brussels and the Higher Regional Court Hamburg. He is in the process of completing his doctorate concerning competition law (at Helmut-Schmidt-Universität).
State Exam, Bucerius Law School Hamburg
State Exam, Higher Regional Court Hamburg
Bachelor of Laws (LL. B.), Bucerius Law School Hamburg
Scholarship from the German National Academic Foundation
Essay: Damages for abuse of a dominant market position – Thoughts on effective private enforcement in WuW 2024, 73-83 (Co-Author)
Essay: Recent developments in antitrust damages law (Part 1 and Part 2) in WuW 2022, 202-207 und WuW 2022, 259-266 (Co-Author)
Essay: Antitrust enforcement in platform markets - Structural and functional unbundling of platforms in WuW 2022, 651-659 (Co-Author)
Book Contribution in: Kirk/Offergeld/Rohner (Hrsg.), Antitrust law at the turn of the century, Nomos, Baden-Baden, 1. Aufl. 2023, The unbundling regulation of the 11. GWB-Novelle – Quality takes time, S. 59-78