University of Essex: Human Rights and Climate Change Workshop

Climate change has impacted a number of human rights on an international level, resulting in reports and resolutions being updated by several bodies, including the UN Human Rights Council.  

During a climate change webinar between 30th April - 1st May, hosted by the School of Law and Human Rights Centre from the University of Essex, a wide range of experts examined the conceptual and practical understandings in this constantly evolving field in five panel sessions.

Hausfeld’s Head of Human Rights and Environmental Disputes, Ingrid Gubbay, explored ‘Litigation on human rights and climate change’, alongside Richard Lord QC - Brick Court Chambers and Professor James May - Widener University, USA. As an integral member of the team working on the recent ground-breaking climate change litigation on behalf of 16 youth petitioners to the UNCRC, Ingrid was well-placed to share her wealth of knowledge in this field.

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