Climate Change and the Rule of Law

Climate change litigation and legislation is increasingly under the spotlight, and frequently grabs the headlines worldwide. Several key issues related to climate change and the rule of the law are hogging the limelight, particularly in the lead up to COP26. Strathclyde University in conjunction with the Grantham Institute hosted a hybrid conference at COP26 which tackled some of these issues on 6 November.

Climate and environmental specialist, Ingrid Gubbay, joined the panel on ‘International and regional litigation’ at 3pm to explore the extent to which international courts, commissions, committees and arbitration courts are well suited to deal with climate change.

Other key themes included:

  • The relationship between climate change legislation and litigation
  • Cross-cutting themes and trends in domestic climate litigation
  • Climate change in international courts, commissions, committees and arbitration courts
  • Key elements of an effective legislative framework
  • Gauging the effectiveness of climate change litigation

The full programme.

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