PLI’s what European and U.S. lawyers should each know about litigating abroad

The Practising Law Institute (PLI), hosted their first ever litigation programme in London, on 2nd December.

Themed ‘Cross-Border Trends, Tactics and Strategic Insights Conference: What European and U.S. Lawyers Should Know About Litigating Abroad’, the event covered issues that impact litigators across Europe and the US and aimed to:

  • Clarify master cross-border tactics and litigation strategies
  • Compare European group claims and U.S. class action cases
  • Describe Brexit’s impact on cross border disputes between the U.S. and UK

London Partner, Wessen Jazrawi, who acted for a group of international retailers in the high-profile interchange fees litigation, joined the expert panel alongside Deba Das of Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP and Thomas Shortland from Cohen & Gresser LLP to discuss ‘Group Claims’. Topics of debate included:

  • How U.S. trends in class actions affect the road ahead for class/group claims in Europe
  • The impact of litigation funding on class actions on cases
  • The potential benefits of European models of class/group claims – have the floodgates opened?