Monckton Chambers, The Future of Competition Litigation
Leading competition lawyers, economic experts and funders from multiple jurisdictions, congregated at this all day event to discuss recent developments in competition litigation and ring in the changes of 2020.
The agenda covered a diverse range of ‘hot’ topics in the market including Brexit, collective actions, jurisdiction, applicable law, disclosure, confidentiality, damages, expert evidence and funding & costs.
Hausfeld’s Vice Chair and London Managing Partner, Anthony Maton, joined the morning panel covering ‘Jurisdiction and Applicable Law’, together with Kassie Smith QC and Rob Williams of Monckton Chambers, Frank Maier-Rigaud of NERA and Euan Burrows of Ashurst. They addressed Brexit implications, debating anchor defendants, proving jurisdiction and a variety of other related matters.
The event drew to a close with a festive champagne reception, giving the opportunity to further network with like-minded individuals.