Commerciële & Financiële Geschillen

Commerciële & Financiële Geschillen

Hausfeld is known for its claimant-friendly, pragmatic and bold approach to resolving commercial disputes.

The team includes skilled negotiators and experienced lawyers who have the necessary expertise in mediation and arbitration with extensive experience in:

  • Arbitration
  • Financial law
  • General business disputes
    Insolvency disputes
  • Shareholder disputes
  • Technology disputes


Our team members have significant experience advising and representing clients, including at international level, in a wide variety of complex, and often high value, arbitration proceedings.

Financial law

Hausfeld has extensive expertise in advising and representing clients in financial disputes. Our lawyers have, among other things, assisted clients in proceedings against accountancy firms, regulators and in collective proceedings against large financial institutions.

Internet, technology and privacy-related disputes

We offer extensive experience in advising and representing clients in internet, technology, data breach and privacy disputes - often against Big Tech firms. This includes advising on complex privacy-related issues, data leaks, security issues and the liability of internet service providers and intermediaries for an unlawful or infringement behaviour towards their users or customers.

Shareholder disputes

Our experience with collective actions sets us apart which is extremely relevant for shareholder disputes. We are regularly approached to investigate the possibilities of filing a collective claim on behalf of shareholders. Hausfeld also has experience acting for majority or minority shareholders.

Insolvency litigation

Hausfeld has extensive experience in managing matters for companies facing financial difficulties or insolvency. We can guide creditors in bankruptcies of a complex or cross-border nature, restructuring of debts, the enforcement of collateral, settlement in and around bankruptcy and liability issues. In addition, we assist clients in collective insolvency-related proceedings and advise clients on resolution and bankruptcy of investment firms and insurers. Hausfeld also has experience advising junior bond holders in contentious restructuring.

Hausfeld's partners recently acted for:

  • an investment company in setting up and implementing restructuring and collateral enforcement.
  • Central banks in the (preparation of) resolution of banks and insurers.

General business disputes

Our team is currently working on a wide variety of general business disputes involving such jurisdictions as:

  • Liability law
  • Corporate law
  • Civil procedural law
  • Contract law

For additional Commercial & Financial Disputes expertise:

United Kingdom
United States