The Collective Cast - Collective proceedings in the CAT

In this episode of our Collective Cast, Michael Zymler is joined by Lesley Hannah and Luke Streatfeild to discuss recent collective proceedings in the Competition Appeals Tribunal, focusing in particular on the Kent and Ennis proceedings against Apple. They explore the similarities and differences between the two proceedings, address the timetabling issues that arose, and consider the Tribunal’s ruling that the cases should proceed independently of one another. Additionally, they review how the Tribunal has previously dealt with common issues arising in different proceedings. (*)

(*) The opinions expressed in this podcast are made in good faith and while every care has been taken in preparing the content, Hausfeld & Co LLP gives no warranties in respect of this podcast, including but not limited to the accuracy or completeness of information, facts and/or opinions contained therein. We recommend listeners to take specific legal advice when dealing with legal issues and transactions.