Group legal action against British Gymnastics considered by elite gymnasts

A group of elite gymnasts including four Olympians have joined discussions about a group legal case against British Gymnastics, following allegations of abusive coaching methods within the sport.

In the last week, over 20 people have entered discussions and the number joining the group is rising day by day.

The group is being represented by a team of solicitors from Hausfeld led by Anna Morfey and Lucy Pert, supported by an external team of lawyers including Nick De Marco QC, Sir Anthony Hooper, Satya Jeremie, Jonathan Crystal, Philip Turton, Celia Rooney and Eric Lewis.

The team has appointed Lowick as its retained campaign advisors and communications consultancy.

In an interview with ITV News on 7 September, Nick De Marco stated "By bringing claims in their own names, the athletes, the gymnasts take control of the process. They don't have to rely on somebody else to investigate, but they take control and that’s the difference with the claims we seek to bring". 

"We've seen so many reviews with good intentions in sport in the past."

"You look at the Hillsborough disaster, for example, that can take years and years to get anywhere and often fizzle out into nothing". 

Hausfeld are encouraging anyone who believes they or their child has been affected by abusive practices within gymnastics clubs and British Gymnastics to contact them at

The case has been reported widely in the press:

ITV News
Sky Sports: article one, article two
The Telegraph: article one, article two
The Times