UK mandatory ADR push renews mediation standards focus

In the wake of the Court of Appeal's 2023 decision in James Churchill v Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council, which allows courts to mandate Alternative Dispute Resolution, the push toward mandatory ADR has continued, with the aim of streamlining dispute resolution and reducing costs.

Following the decision, mandatory mediation was introduced for small claims, the Civil Procedure Rule Committee commissioned a consultation on the courts’ power to compel parties to engage in ADR and the Civil Mediation Council announced a new mediation standards board.

In an article first published by Law360, Ned Beale and Edward Nyman consider these recent developments and what they mean for the future of ADR, including a round-up of proposals by the Civil Mediation Council, the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution and the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators.

The full Law360 article (subscription only).
UK court push for mandatory ADR renews focus on mediation standards (Hausfeld Perspective).

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