UIA - International Association of Lawyers – 66th Congress

This week the UIA hosts its 66th congress in Senegal, bringing together legal professionals to facilitate professional development and encourage international exchange of information.

Head of Commercial and Financial disputes, John McElroy joins a global panel of litigation experts, discussing the difficulties and opportunities surrounding ‘Litigation in the modern world’ on the afternoon of 28th October 2022. They will navigate the maze of litigating in a world of sanctions, corporate and political problems; the world of misinformation and utilising social media and PR as evidence gathering tools and enforcement globally.

Practical information

UIA hosts this in person event from 26 – 30 October at Centre international de conférences Abdou Diouf (CICAD), Pôle urbain de Diamniadio, BP 4026 Dakar.

Full program 


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