Gonzalo Antón Tascón

  • Associate
  • London
he / him / his


Gonzalo specialises in commercial and competition litigation, European law, EU competition law and Spanish competition law.

As a native Spanish speaker, he helps manage communication with Spanish and Portuguese clients.


Gonzalo commenced his legal career as an intern at Hausfeld London at the start of 2018. He supported the legal team acting for claimants in private enforcement damages claims on the European Trucks Cartel and investigating a possible shareholder claim against a publicly traded company under S90A of the FSMA.

He went on to train at Martínez Lage, Allendesalazar & Brokelmann in Madrid, with a particular focus on competition law - including follow-on claims in Spain, Articles 101 and 102 TFEU, merger control - and procedural and substantive case law research at EU and national level. Gonzalo also trained at the DG Competition (DG COMP) of the European Commission (EC) in Brussels, Belgium where he drafted policymaking memoranda and engaged in liaising with competition authorities from third countries, as well as International Organisations.

Prior to joining Hausfeld as an associate, he was a legal consultant for WilmerHale in Brussels, where he actively participated in EU litigation cases before the General Court of the EU and in several merger cases before the European Commission.

Gonzalo speaks conversational French and Portuguese. 


What I think