Dr. Philipp F. Hardung
Dr. Philipp F. Hardung is Partner at Hausfeld in Düsseldorf, specializing in commercial and corporate litigation. Before joining Hausfeld, Philipp worked for a leading German law firm with a focus on corporate, banking and capital markets law as well as in the corporate law department of a Magic Circle law firm. He has acquired broad experience in litigation and dispute resolution, including cross-border commercial disputes and corporate litigation, as well as banking and financial disputes. According to the Handelsblatt - Germany's Best Lawyers Ranking, he is one of Germany's best lawyers in the field of Dispute Resolution.
Philipp regularly represents clients both on the claimant's and defendant's side before German civil courts and in (international) arbitration proceedings. In addition, he has a focus on advising domestic and foreign companies in corporate and capital markets law, in particular during crisis situations.
Philipp studied at Bonn (Germany) and Leeds (UK) University. He underwent legal training in Düsseldorf (Germany), Bonn (Germany), and New York City (USA). After finishing his legal training, Philipp obtained a Ph.D. with summa cum laude in international civil procedure law at Halle-Wittenberg University (Germany). His PhD thesis was awarded the Prize for Doctoral Studies of the Faculty of Law of Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg in 2020. Philipp F. Hardung regularly publishes on topics of corporate and procedural law. He is the author of the Beck'sche Großkommentar regarding the law of limited liability companies and has been a lecturer in Dispute Resolution at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg since 2022. In addition to his native German, Philipp is fluent in English and has basic knowledge of Spanish.
1. State Exam 2013
2. State Exam 2015
Ph.D. in international civil procedure law 2019 (summa cum laude; awarded the Doctoral Prize of the Law Faculty of Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg for the best PhD thesis in 2019)
Attorney, Germany
Beck'scher Online Großkommentar zum GmbHG (Major commentary on German limited liability companies), commentary on § 40 GmbHG and the regulation on the list of shareholders
“Schutzzweck von Erlaubnisvorschriften der GewO für Nachweismakler und Vermittler von Kapitalanlagen” (Objectives of the permit requirement of investment brokers and agents under the German Trade Regulation Act), WuB 2021, 62 (co-author)
“Zum Anspruch des zu Unrecht nicht in die Gesellschafterliste eingetragenen Gesellschafters gegen die GmbH auf Einreichung einer korrigierten Gesellschafterliste” (A shareholder’s claim against a German limited liability company for the submission of a corrected list of shareholders), EWiR 2020, 75 et seq.
“Zur Darlegungs- und Beweislast des Erben eines Vorstands für dessen nicht pflichtwidriges Handeln” (The heir’s burden of proof for a deceased management board member’s wrongful conduct), EWiR 2020, 453 et seq.
“Die Auswirkungen einer Abwicklungsanordnung nach § 37 Abs. 1 Satz 1 Nr. 1 KWG in der Insolvenz der Gesellschaft” (The effects of a liquidation injunction pursuant to the German Banking Act against an insolvent company), DB 2020, 2674 et seq.
“Die Europäische Titelfreizügigkeit – Ein Beitrag zur Konsolidierung und Kohärenzförderung” (The recognition and enforceability of court judgements within the European Union), PhD thesis, published by Mohr Siebeck in 2020 (summa cum laude; awarded with the law faculty award of Halle-Wittenberg University for the best PhD thesis in 2019)
“Zur Aktivlegitimation des anteilserwerbenden Mitgesellschafters für die Geltendmachung des Anspruchs auf Zustimmung des Komplementärs” (The co-shareholder’s right of action for the other shareholder’s consent to the acquisition of further shares in a German limited partnership), EWiR 2019, 297-298
“Die Sicherung von Organhaftungsansprüchen im dinglichen Arrestverfahren” (Interim legal protection securing the enforceability of directors' and officers' liability claims), MDR 2018, 1421-1425 (co-author)
“Kein D&O-Versicherungsschutz für Ansprüche aus § 64 GmbHG” (D&O insurance cover for liability claims relating to insolvency law), EWiR 2018, 553-554 (co-author)
“Zur Berechnung der im MitbestG geregelten Schwellenwerte” (Calculation of co-determination rights in a German stock corporation), EWiR 2018, 299-300 (co-author)