Luise Luetcke focuses on competition disputes and collective redress.
In 2024, Luise joined Hausfeld from Slaughter and May, where she gained valuable experience as part of the Disputes and Investigations team. Prior to that she trained at Clifford Chance.
Luise also takes an active interest in corporate social responsibility and pro bono activities and actively supports DEI initiatives. She co-founded Young Futures at the Museum of Home, a programme promoting access to heritage sector jobs for young people from under-represented backgrounds and was shortlisted for the Achates National Cultural Philanthropy Prize for this work.
She speaks fluent German.
Legal Practice Course with business, BBP Holborn
Graduate Diploma in Law, BPP Waterloo
BA in History, University of Oxford
Solicitor, England and Wales, 2021
At Hausfeld, she is part of the legal team:
- advising and representing certified class representative Liz Coll on the opt-out collective action on behalf of an estimated 19.5 million eligible UK users of smartphones and tablets running on Google’s Android operating system relating to excessive and unlawful charges on purchase in the Google Play store. The claim alleges that Google unfairly restricts consumers from accessing potential competition from other app distributors, by requiring smartphone manufacturers to pre-install a bundle of Google’s proprietary apps and services including the Google Play Store as well as imposing other contractual and technical restrictions.
Prior to joining Hausfeld, she was part of the legal team:
- acting for a German truck manufacturer in the renowned Trucks competition litigation follow-on damages proceedings in the UK courts and Competition Appeals Tribunal, including on multiple individual claims and competing applications for Collective Proceedings Orders.
Commercial & Financial Disputes
Prior to joining Hausfeld, Luise was part of the legal teams acting:
- for a multinational telecommunications company in the pre-action phase of a claim for unpaid indexation against a contractual counterparty.
- for a global financial institution on current and potential mis-selling claims in relation to investments in high profile funds.
- for a multinational commodities trader in respect of corruption allegations by the SFO and other agencies
- for a major UK bank in its defence of a civil and criminal FCA/PRA investigation into AML systems and controls