Antitrust and 21st Century Bigness: Panel 1 – Monopolization and Abuse of Dominance: Is Big Tech Bad?
Big Tech and Bigness. These issues continue to dominate the antitrust agenda in the United States and throughout the world. Three years ago, we examined these issues at a conference held at NYU School of Law, at a time when US enforcement agencies had yet to act. We now return for a second edition of that conference, at a time when antitrust agencies around the world—including in the US—are taking on the challenge. We will ask, what progress has been made? What obstacles have been encountered? What are the prospects for the future?
In the morning, for the first panel of the Antitrust and 21st Century Bigness symposium, moderator Harry First was joined by Andrew Gavil, Thomas Höppner, Thomas Kramler, and Nancy Rose. The panel shared their opinions on what is the case against the Big Tech platforms? Do the concerns about Big Tech focus on specific abuses, and, if so, which abuses, or is there a more general social or political case to be made against these companies? If there is a monopoly/abuse of dominance problem, is competition law and economics as we know it up to the task? Or are there distinctive characteristics of platforms and digital markets, and the business models of these companies, that require special antitrust treatment?
The Antitrust and 21st Century Bigness symposium was held on February 24, 2023, at the NYU School of Law.
- Andrew GAVIL | Professor, Howard University School of Law
- Thomas HÖPPNER | Partner, Hausfeld Rechtsanwälte LLP
- Thomas KRAMLER | Head of Unit ‐ Antitrust: E‐commerce and Data Economy, DG Competition, European Commission
- Nancy ROSE | Professor, MIT Department of Economics
- Moderator: Harry FIRST | Professor, NYU School of Law