COFECE & ABA International Cartel Task Force Conference
Melinda Coolidge, Hausfeld’s U.S. Managing Partner and co-chair of the ABA’s International Cartel Task Force, will be giving joint opening remarks and will be a featured panelist at the “Tendencias y desafíos actuales de los programas de inmunidad y las acciones de derecho privado,” (translation: “Current trends and challenges of immunity programs and private law actions”) conference.
The conference, hosted by the American Bar Association’s International Cartel Task Force and the Comisión Federal de Competencia Económica (translation: The Federal Economic Competition Commission), the chief competition regulatory agency in Mexico, will take place on February 17 in Mexico City.
Melinda will join the panel, ‘Private and Collective Applications of Competition Law, Lessons from International Experience,’ to discuss leniency programs and civil damages actions for antitrust violations. She will speak alongside Alfonso Miranda, Carlos Mena Labarthe, and Juan Carlos Marín.