Dr. Antonia Kamaliev
Dr. Antonia Kamaliev has been working as a competition economist at Hausfeld in Düsseldorf since 2022. Her areas of practice are at the interface between lawyers, external economists and courts, where her economic expertise allows her to advise on the preparation of external economic reports or to elaborate on economic topics for briefs. Due to her focus on empirical economic research, a further focus is data inquiry, preparation and analysis.
Prior to joining Hausfeld, Antonia gained experience in the application of econometric methods to various complex economic issues in the field of international economics by completing her PhD at the FernUniversität in Hagen. In addition to her doctoral studies, Antonia worked in the field of policy consulting, where she, for example, wrote short reports for the ifo Schnelldienst and collaborated on an international project of the World Trade Organization.
Dr. rer. pol., Hagen
M. Sc., Magdeburg
B. Sc., Magdeburg
"German Employment Legislation and its Impact on the Trade and Labour Market Nexus" (co-author). in "Making Globalization More Inclusive Lessons from experience with adjustment policies", Welthandelsorganisation
"Estimating local effectiveness of institutions: a latent variable approch" (co-author), CESifo Working Paper No. 7979.
"Handelskonflikt oder strategische Neupositionierung der globalen Ordnung? - China, die USA und die Rolle der Europäischen Union", ifo Schnelldienst 72 (22), 2019, 03-21.
"»Made in China 2025« – von der »Werkbank der Welt« zum Hochtechnologieführer?" (co-author), ifo Schnelldienst 71 (14), 2018, 03–20.
"Redistribution, trade and corruption: an empirical assessment" (co-author), in Applied Economics, Volume 50, 2018 - Issue 34-35.
"Government Efficiency and Exports in China" (co-author), in Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, Volume 15, 2017 - Issue 3
"Chinas Wachstumsmodell und potenzielle Risiken für den Welthandel" (co-author), ifo Schnelldienst 69 (07), 2016, 05-20.