Christoph Schubert
Christoph Schubert advises companies and insolvency administrators on the efficient resolution of commercial disputes.
In doing so, he develops individual conflict resolution strategies that take into account not only the legal issues but also the tactical and economical dimensions of a dispute. This includes advising on litigation funding options to mitigate or exclude financial risks.
Furthermore, Christoph regularly represents clients on the plaintiff's and defendant's side in court and accompanies them in mediation proceedings as well as in difficult negotiations.
Christoph has many years of experience in litigation and out-of-court dispute resolution, especially in connection with insolvency proceedings. He is also a trained commercial mediator.
Before joining Hausfeld, he worked in a boutique law firm specializing in insolvency law and in leading major law firms in the field of dispute resolution/litigation. He also worked for several years in leading positions for litigation funders.
Christoph studied at the University of Münster (Germany). Before his admission to the bar, he was a lecturer for a nationwide German legal bar course, preparing students for their first state law examination. In addition to his native German, he is fluent in English.
1. State Exam 2007
2. State Exam 2010
Commercial Mediator 2020
Attorney, Germany
“Klageverfahren als assets, Prozessfinanzierung und Monetarisierung als kreatives Sanierungs-Tool” (Litigation as asset, litigation funding and monetarization as a creative restructuring tool), Sanierungsberater 2021, 11 (co-author)
“Nach Corona kommt die Klagewelle: Prozessfinanzierung als kreatives Sanierungstool in der Unternehmenspraxis” (After corona comes the wave of lawsuits: Litigation funding as a creative restructuring tool in commercial practice), Deutscher AnwaltSpiegel, 18/2020, page 3 (co-author)
“Drohen amerikanische Verhältnisse? Im Blickpunkt: Die EU-Verbandsklage kommt“ (American conditions are looming? In the spotlight: The EU representative action is coming), Deutscher AnwaltSpiegel, 14/2020, page 3
“Einen starken Partner an Board holen. Ein Praxisbericht: Die Rolle des Prozessfinanzierers in streitigen Verhandlungssituationen“ (Getting a strong partner on board. A practical experience report: The role of the litigation funder in disputed negotiations), Deutscher AnwaltSpiegel, 22/2019, Page 11
“Manager-Haftpflichtversicherungen, Policen prüfen” (Manager liability insurance, check policies), Handelsblatt, August 28, 2018, page 11
“Verschuldensunabhängige Vertragsstrafenklausel ist ausnahmsweise wirksam” (No-fault contractual penalty clause is exceptionally effective), IMR 2018, 105
“Unwirksamkeit üblicher Mehraufwandsklauseln in Lieferverträgen” (Ineffectiveness of common additional expenditure clauses in supply contracts), DB 2018, 496
“Manager-Haftpflicht, Deckung abgelehnt” (Manager liability, insurance coverage rejected), Handelsblatt, June 27, 2017, page 12
“Hält die D&O-Versicherung, was sie verspricht“ (Does D&O insurance deliver what it promises), GmbH-Rundschau 21/2017, R321
“Existenzbedrohende Lücke in der D&O-Versicherung“ (Existence-threatening gap in D&O insurance), DB 2017, 1767